why travel with us
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why travel with us

Experience Adventure the Way You Want

Whether you choose to explore on foot, take an off-road jeep tour, or bask in the magnificent views of Annapurna during sunrise, sunset, or nightfall, you’ll feel a rush of inspiration and excitement. Prepare for an unforgettable journey that will stay with you for a lifetime.

We Take Care Of Every Details To Ensure You Maximise Your Time

From the moment your journey begins, we take care of every detail to ensure you make the most of your time. We provide first-class meals, comfortable transportation, exceptional lodging, expert guides, and unparalleled service. Trust us to handle everything, so you can relax and fully immerse yourself in the adventure.

Private Group Designed For Those Who Prefer to Explore Independently

oin our group travel experience designed for those who prefer to explore independently. Our small groups, typically consisting of no more than 14 travelers (maximum of 15), offer the perfect balance of socializing with like-minded individuals and having the flexibility to create your own itinerary. You’ll have opportunity to get to know our team and fellow travelers while still having the freedom to do as much or as little as you like. It’s all about traveling at your own pace.

Discover Hidden Gems Through Our Expert Local Guides.

We only work with experienced guides who possess extensive knowledge and as a profound personal connection to the nature and local cultural wonders of the region.They will provide you with authentic local knowledge, allowing you to have a unique and memorable adventure that you won’t find elsewhere. Get ready to experience the area in a truly exceptional way.

Certified & Professional Local Guide

When it comes to high-altitude destinations like the Annapurna circuit, ensuring safety should be the top priority. Unfortunately, over the years, this region has witnessed several tragic accidents that could have been avoided. The main reason behind such incidents is the lack of judgment on the part of guides.To address this issue, we collaborate only with certified and professional local guides who have over 30 years of experience in the Annapurna region of Nepal. Our guides are highly skilled, experienced, and qualified, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable adventures experience.

Emergency Helicopter Rescue or Evacuation

If injury or mountain sickness during adventure tour in Nepal, emergency helicopter rescue or evacuation is the only viable option. However, such services can be expensive in Nepal. Therefore, we highly recommend purchasing travel insurance that covers emergency evacuation and medical treatment.As our adventure team have established strong connections with reputable helicopter service providers as well as popular travel medicine centres and hospitals. You can rest assured that we’ll do our best to ensure your safety and well-being during your adventure tour in Nepal.