The Best of Nepal in Pisang
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The Best of Nepal in Pisang

The Best of Nepal in Pisang

Many trekkers on the Annapurna Circuit tend to pass through some villages quickly without giving them much thought. Villages like Kalopani and Lete, Ghasa, and Pisang are often overlooked as “main stopping points” by visitors and guides. However, this is a major mistake. These villages offer unique experiences and breathtaking natural scenery that are well worth taking the time to explore. Skipping over them means missing out on some of the best parts of the Annapurna Circuit trek.

In these smaller villages along the Annapurna Circuit, hospitality is at its most welcoming, families are kind, and visitors have the chance to experience what life in the Himalayas is truly like. While popular areas like Jomsom and Manang see a steady stream of tourists, these “in between” points are often overlooked and hungry for visitors. Unfortunately, the introduction of a road along the Annapurna has resulted in some of these villages being bypassed entirely, but the locals have adapted and continue to make the most of their situation. It’s a shame to miss out on these authentic experiences, as they offer a glimpse into a way of life that is rapidly changing in the modern world.

Pisang is truly a gem that embodies the very best of Nepal – stunning scenery, majestic mountains, rich culture, and warm hospitality. Not to mention, the abundance of tea that is sure to warm your soul. Rushing through this area would mean missing out on its true essence and appeal.Pisang is a unique village with two distinct parts: the lower section and the upper village. This geographical feature is one of the many reasons why visitors should plan to spend several nights in the area to fully experience all that it has to offer.

The journey to Pisang by Jeep is definitely not for the faint of heart! The road is unpaved and winding, with steep drops and sharp turns that can be quite nerve-wracking. However, for those who are up for the challenge, the views along the way are absolutely stunning, with snow-capped peaks and rugged mountain landscapes stretching out as far as the eye can see. And once you arrive in Pisang, the warm welcome and hospitality of the local people make it all worth it.


Countryside, Nature Landscape, Nepalese Villages