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In case you’re not interested in making a detour to Tilicho Lake, there’s another activity worth considering in Manang: a short trip to the charming village of Khangsar.During our trek from Manang to Tilicho Lake Base Camp, we stopped by Khangsar along the way. However, you can also get there directly from Manang in about two hours, with an elevation gain of 200 meters each way. It’s a great option for a quick and rewarding excursion.

The path to Khangsar is incredibly picturesque, winding above the Margsyandi River and providing stunning vistas of the impressive Great Barriere mountain range ahead.Throughout our journey, Annapurna II loomed majestically behind us, but it’s best seen on the way back to Manang.Khangsar is a quaint village consisting of several charming stone structures, exuding a nearly medieval ambiance. The village offers a handful of restaurants where you can savor a delicious lunch before heading back to Manang.


Countryside, Nature Landscape, Nepalese Villages