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Jagat Village, located in the Lamjung District of North-Central Nepal, is a small town that features a traditional style. It is situated within the Gandaki zone. The term “Jagat” is commonly used by students to describe a normal state of consciousness.

The Nepali term for “the world” is Jagat. Unfortunately, this beautiful Jagat Village was struck by a 7.9 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale in 2015, which destroyed many of its houses and hotels. Climbers often stay here after a day-long trekking adventure. Despite being small, the village has well-run small hotels that offer quality food and resting facilities. The hospitality of the Nepali people is truly amazing and their attire is traditional, with little influence from modern-day technology felt in Jagat Village. Nevertheless, visitors can still access high-speed internet connection to stay connected with the world.

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Countryside, Nature Landscape, Nepalese Villages