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Annapurna Circuit Astro Expedition

The Annapurna Circuit Astro Expedition is a unique tour that blends an exclusive expedition for astrophotography with countryside, nature, and culture. You will have the opportunity to explore glacier lakes, Buddhist monuments, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Annapurna mountain range.This 12-day tour takes you through tropical and alpine climate zones, where you will explore glacier lakes, Buddhist monuments, and stunning views of the Annapurna mountain range. With an off-road four-wheel drive, you can traverse varied landscapes and discover waterfalls, wild rivers, and snow-capped mountains.

The lower section of the ACAE Off-road jeep tour is characterised by lush green terraces, while the upper region is surrounded by high snow peaks. This makes the off-road four-wheel drive an ideal way to explore the Upper Marshyandi and Manang valley. The tour is perfect for those with a short time frame who want to experience high altitudes in a short period of time.


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