Nepalese Cultural Diversity
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Nepalese Cultural Diversity

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Nepalese Cultural Diversity

Nepal, previously known as the Kingdom of Nepal, is a culturally rich country with a diverse heritage. The Nepalese culture is a blend of Indo-Aryan and Tibeto-Mongolian influences, resulting from a long history of migration, conquest, and trade. It draws from both Hindu and Buddhist sources, featuring many symbolic representations of each.

This multi-dimensional cultural heritage is comprised of the diverse traditions of various ethnic, tribal, and social groups inhabiting different altitudes. It is manifested through various forms, such as music and dance, art and craft, folklores and folktales, languages and literature, philosophy and religion, festivals and celebrations, and foods and drinks. Several symbols are important for the nation as a whole, such as the national flower and bird – the rhododendron and Danfe (Lophophorous) – as well as the flag and the crossed Kukhris (curved knives) of the Gurkhas.

In nationalistic rhetoric, the metaphor of a garland with hundreds of flowers is used to symbolize national unity amid cultural diversity. The Nepalese believe in the principle of “unity in diversity,” which is their speciality.

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Nepali Culture